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Software Products

Access Remotely and Protect


TSplus 12 is the most comprehensive and easy to use solution to Web-enable any Windows Application

TSplus Security Companion

TSplus Advanced Security provides fundamental features to protect your servers from cyber attacks.

Server Genius

Server Genius gives you facts and data about your server, applications and users.
Install it in 30 seconds on your server and get a clear understanding of its usage and performance.

TSplus App

Working in the cloud... wherever you are, whenever you want. With the TSplus Remote Desktop app, your Windows Applications are available anywhere in real time, simply by connecting to Wi-Fi or the Internet. The App can build up any number of connections simultaneously to different sites and servers. With just one click, you are connected to the server in New York; with another click, you start your CRM in Los Angeles.

TSplus Apps are available for all major operating systems as web or native apps. After a quick download, your devices are ready for use within a few minutes.
Easily print any document and photo you need on the nearest local printer.

Two Factor Authentication

TSplus 2FA is your key to a secure world. By providing dynamic passcodes and multi-factor authentication, this add-on is the identity and access tool you need to secure your corporate network or your own personal data. Whether logging into your work emails or company apps, TSplus 2FA allows you to use your mobile or other enabled device to access your remote session securely and conveniently.